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To what extent is fear beneficial?


One way fear can develop is by experiencing something traumatic. The causes of said traumatic experiences can often bring recurring fear to those who were traumatized the first time.  Fear can also be learned if it was seen by someone in others. 

The amygdala is the location of the brain which stores fear. The development of fear not only comes from past experiences or exposure, but from cultural influences as well. For example, in the 20th century, polio was an incredibly commonly shared fear. 

Although fear is learned, it is part of our human nature to be able to fear.  Early humans who felt fear would escape dangers most effectively and could therefore reproduce. Fear played a large role in "survival of the fittest."

Fear is very important to consider when examining reasoning. In the presence of fear, rational thinking is thrown into the wind and actions are based on impulse.



The Psychology Behind Fear

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